into the woods...


Long days of bright Sun and hot temperatures, a lot of flowers blooming in the gardens, singing cicadas, busy bees buzzing everywhere, and first fruits about to come.

We think about long holidays, road trips, beaches and swimming in the sea, sunsets, vegan barbecues and fresh drinks on the deck.

Ideas to decor my home

Colours : white, yellow, golden, pink, orange, red.

Cinnamon sticks hanged on the porch and in the kitchen.

Pictures and symbols of Sun, butterflies, flowers, pregnancy, full moon, circles, wheels, love…

To celebrate we can

Walk barefoot in the grass during sunrise.

Clean our face with the dew.

Harvest plants and herbs.

Put plants and flowers in our hair.

Make land art.

Place seasonal flowers on water in a big bowl (I choose flowers about to fade or cut during a pruning).

Make a party with friends, music and a big fire made from garden waste, and jump over it and dance around.

Write our problems on little pieces of paper and then throw them in the fire.

Ideas to have a feast

Tomatoes, zucchinis, eggplants, greens.

Strawberries, cherries, raspberries.


Sandwiches and toasts.

Biscuits decorated with edible flowers.

Fruit kefir and fruit juices.

Herbal teas.

Some traditional landmarks

Summer solstice / Litha.

Lyon, France

Every 8th of December

Summer solstice / Litha.

The longest day and the shortest night of the year.

This year, in the North hemisphere (Western Europe) : the 21st of June 2023.

In the South hemisphere (Aotearoa) : the 22d of December 2022.

St Jean festivities with Feux de Joie (Joy fires)


Around the Summer solstice.