Now is the time of the last harvest. Edible gardens are full of ripe veggies and fruits.
The wind becomes fresh. The trees take blazing colours, and their falling leaves are going to make the ground crackling and crispy.
Nature is going to rest soon, as darkness is coming.
We begin to think about setting up our nest for the dark season, we cook to store preserves in our cupboards, we prepare the fireplace for the cold season and we enjoy hot tea in a cosy atmosphere.
Scarfs, coats and gumboots are going to be out again.
During this time we can reflect about prosperity and abundance in our lives, about protection and safety, confidence, balance, harmony and gratitude…
Ideas to decor my home

Dark colours, orange, red, yellow, brown, golden, purple.
Acorns, oak twigs, pine cones, wheat stubble, nuts, apples, berries, grains, leaves, Physalis.
A wreath made with oak leaves and acorns.
Pictures and symbols of Autumn: Autumn leaves, foxes, squirrels, apples, mushrooms, acorns…
To celebrate we can

Store wood, our plants, our harvest into the home and the barn. Dry plants, herbs and grains. Prepare the house and the garden for the cold season.
Cook and make jams, preserves, cookies and bread.
Relax, have a break. Have a time of meditation and reflection.
Practise gratitude, balance, self-confidence, self-preservation and harmony.
Walk into a forest.
Collect falling leaves.
Make wishes while blowing on dandelions’ seeds in the wind.
Make an autumnal wreath.
Organize a dinner with family and friends.

Ideas to have a feast

Potatoes, corn, carrots, onions, kumara (sweet potatoes), mushrooms, pumpkins.
Ratatouille, pies.
Seeds and grains, chestnuts.
Bread, corn bread.
Blackberries, grape, berries, pomegranate, passionfruit, figs.
Dry fruits.
Jams, apple “honey”.
Oat cookies.
Fruit juice.
Let’s be grateful and enjoy the fruits of the harvest.
Some traditional landmarks
Autumn equinox or Mabon
ancestor of Thanksgiving
The night is as long as the day.
This year, in the North hemisphere (Western Europe) :
the 23d of September 2022.
In the South hemisphere (Aotearoa) :
the 21st of March 2023.