My love for illustration brought me one day to divination cards decks.
I choose a deck for the aesthetic first. A beautiful object, artwork I like to handle and look at.
Some years ago I started studying Tarot.
My approach of divination cards
I’m not into new age and paranormal stuff. I don’t perform rituals with my decks, no cleansing under the full moon and all this kind of things. I’m not a psychic. My approach is more artistic, historiographical, simple and realistic. I’m curious and I love folklore, popular wisdom, mythology and understanding things through their history.
Tarot is like a fascinating philosophical tale, a spiritual exploration, full of symbolism.
It’s a tool, a basis for reflection and guidance, combined with my intuition. I use cards as companions and helpers for introspection and questioning rather than in a divination way. And mostly as a pleasant time I spend for me or for other people because I love to do readings for friends and other people.
Sometimes it’s just funny, sometimes it’s more shaking, sometimes it’s totally unclear, and sometimes it’s really helping.
I love to hear people reacting and how the cards can resonate with their experience.
It’s a bit like when you share a warm cup of tea with friends in the evening.
Enjoy it, keep things in perspective and don’t take it too seriously.
Remember that cards’ messages are like a little friendly tap on your shoulder, that may enlighten your path…or not! ; )

Would you like a reading?
How does it work?
I regularly offer readings. At the moment you can check and follow them on my Instagram. I will do here soon so stay tuned! You can also contact me anytime if you want a personal reading.
We communicate via pm or emails, which is comfortable for introverts. I choose the deck accordingly to the question or the theme of the spread. Sometimes I will ask you some details, or I will invite you to have a short time of introspection/meditation. Once your cards are drawn, I send you a picture of your spread and the reading. We can chat about it then if you want to share your thoughts or if some questions emerge from the reading.
More questions? Feel free to contact me!