into the woods...
ink drawing of a fantasy character face in black and white wearing a hood with cat's ears and a flower on the head
ink drawing of fantasy bunny face in a blue frame with plants and mushrooms
ink drawing of a woman in a blue wave with black long hair and wearing a white swimsuit with red dots
ink drwaing, white dog shape in a blue circle looking at a little red fish
ink paint of a fantasy character, portrait of a badger woman with a crescent moon above her head and decorative vegetation
ink portrait of a woman with red cheeks and closed eyes, with sea waves on the bottom, red sun and birds in the sky
ink painting portrait of a couple in love
ink painting of two upside down characters, woman with white hair, flower crown and golden sun, and a blue woman with red hair, in the night, with a big white full moon
autumnal ink painting of a character wearing a black cat costume, holding a pumpkin lantern, beside a fox, with a background of rainy purple night, golden moon, autumn leaves, mushrooms and plants
ink and watercolor portrait of a little blond boy carrying a candle and wearing a blue beanie with a big white pompon
ink portrait of a person wearing a flower crown and a white top with red stripes, carrying a nest with eggs inside, with two birds on their shoulders
ink and watercolor portrait of a veiled person carrying a sleeping baby
ink painting of a fantasy naked character with crescent moon face, sleeping, white with red cheeks, on a night blue background with white dots
ink and watercolor portrait of a fantasy character wearing a witch hat with mushrooms, orange hair and elf ears, carrying a fox in their arms
ink and watercolor portrait of a punk styled character carrying a sleeping baby
ink portrait of a woman wearing a headscarf and carrying a sparkle flame in her hands with a night background
ink and watercolor portrait of a character with a bird on their bun, surrounded by plants and flowers
ink and watercolor portrait of a fantasy character with long blond hair, closed eyes, surrounded by flower with a big blue butterfly ahead
watercolor and ink with a punk stylish naked person with body hairs and a flower in their mouth, closed eyes, lying in the grass surrounded by flowers
watercolor and ink portrait of a person wearing pigtails, carrying a goose
ink drawing of a sitting child carrying a newborn on their legs
ink and watercolor drawing, face of a young person with curly black hair with a fox on their head
watercolor and ink drawing of a person with flower on their head and closed eyes
Ink drawing of a newborn in adult hands
ink drawing of a child or teenager with black short hair, wearing glasses, with a blue squirrel on their head
ink drawing of a green character with female attribute and long hair with vegetation in their hair
ink drawing of a character with short hair and glasses carrying a cat
ink portrait , fantasy character with branches on their head, carrying a newborn on their arms or womb
ink drawing of a person with long hair carrying a heart with the portrait of a child inside the heart, with a text on the side saying Still a child inside
ink drawing of a character with long black hair lik a stain, with a red stain beside them
ink drawing of a crowned queen surrounded by snow in a snowball shape
ink painting, tribute to Parihaka, face of a sad child with closed eyes wearing a white feather in their black hair surrounded by red background
ink drawing of a blue planet with a house and a tree on it
ink and watercolor drawing of a character with long hair ending as a spiral with vegetation in hair and surrounding
ink drawing of a red fetus in blue aquatic and plant background like in womb
ink painting, tribute to Parihaka, top of the face of person with closed eyes wearing a white feather in their black hair surrounded by red background
ink drawing of a character with a little blue planet on their head
ink drawing of a blue rabbit